● 㱿
- 从上击下。《説文•殳部》:“㱿,从上擊下也。”
- 坚硬的外皮。后作“殻”。《説文•殳部》:“㱿,素也。”《玉篇•殳部》:“㱿,物皮空。”《廣韻•覺韻》:“㱿,皮甲。”
- 皮制盛兵器的盒子或袋子。《字彙•殳部》:“㱿,盛兵器之具,以皮為之。”
- 通“愨”。谨慎。《廣雅•釋鈷一》:“㱿,善也。”《禮記•檀弓下》“孔子曰:殷已愨,吾從周。”
● 㱿
- 同“嗀”。呕吐。《集韻•覺韻》:“嗀,《説文》:‘歐皃。’亦省。”
英语 (same as U+6BBC 殼) the husk, skin or shell of fruits; the shell of snakes, insects, etc., the shells of molluscas, a bag or case made of leather for weapons, (interchangeable U+6164) prudent; cautious, (same as 嗀) to vomit; to throw up, strong; durable; solid; firm; stable